In a radically altered world, the surviving human population of the Earth faces the real possibility of its own extinction. They will reject that outcome and do as humans have done in the past. They will look to each other for salvation.
There is nothing in human history or in human nature that suggests that our species will go feral and revert to savagery in the midst of a global catastrophe. It is far more likely that we will rescue and protect each other. That is what we do.
Pathogen is a tale of human survival. We humans like our civilization. When it is damaged, we do not abandon it, we repair it. When our technology goes down, we restore it. When natural selection is about to make a terrible mistake, we reserve the right to correct it.
From Pathogen…
Arrival at the OMEGA Atrium Habitat — Click to read in new tab
Pathogen Reviews:
“A novel approach to a post apocalyptic world. Well written and thought provoking, I do disagree with the idea that people pull together in a crisis. Really enjoyed the book.” – Kindle Customer
“As another reviewer indicated, this one had a unique slant. I feel this story was more about the dome & the relationship Duncan had with it. In fact, think this relationship could have been delved into even more. Overall a light pleasant read.” – Ginny
“Great read. I hope there’s a sequel.” – James Barlow, Amazon
“Finished PATHOGEN. It was like reading Michael Crichton only better!!! I really enjoyed this book!” – Jack Bannister