The term “Altazimuth” refers to the use of Altitude and Azimuth for precisely locating an object in three dimensional space. Azimuth is expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc measuring horizontally and clockwise from due north on the horizon. Altitude is the angle between the observer, the horizon and the object (0 to 90 degrees). Altitude and azimuth are used extensively in astronomy, navigation, meteorology, construction, surveying and cartography. They are usually measured with instruments such as a theodolite, a transit or a sextant.
Altitude and azimuth are not typically used in reference to literature, but it seems to fit and that’s the reason for the name, Altazimuth Media. An author, an artist or a filmmaker chooses a particular direction or purpose for their work and then they aim high or low as their predilection dictates. If one has a direction and an aspiration then the “story” just sort of unfolds naturally toward its conclusion. Lacking one or the other other of those guiding elements, the work is pretty likely to be disappointing. As Yogi Berra has taught us, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up someplace else.” …Sort of like you when you clicked this link.